السبت، أغسطس ١٩، ٢٠٠٦

Break Up

Break-Up is the movie I have just seen during the past weekend. It is one of those weird movies I like. I know many people went to see it and they were disappointed. I believe those are disappointed for different reasons, but mainly because the movie is categorized as "Comedy". I think it is pure drama! Having Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn added comedy to the story. However, the story itself was somehow sad.

Why am I writing about this movie specifically? Probably most of you are asking this question by now!

Well, the movie had discussed a very important fact in the relationship between the man and the woman. Or to be more precise it discusses the relation between couples. It shows how men think differently from women-one of the facts discussed in Men from Mars Women from Venus- the movie have shown this fact.

I can see in the movie many mistakes that I and some of my friends have done in the past in their relationship. Specifically, the fact that men lack in understanding the meaning of "care" for women.

Just to be honest, women have those silly things, and a lot of it, they care about. The movie shows how those little silly things, that the woman value a lot, can ruin the whole relationship. Therefore, its very important for the man to value these things as much as he value the woman. These little things are not to be seen as he value them, but as she -the woman- value them, in order to have a healthy relationship.

I strongly recommend this movie for couples, to see where they are standing.


At ١٢:٤٧ م, Anonymous غير معرف said...

Hey! I'm first again and again :)

Thank you for ruining the movie for me. I am planning to see it tonite!

In all cases, you're right. We think, express our feelings and perceive things differently. If you don't take this into consideration you end up with major communication problem. And there is no relationship without communication. Right?

At ١:٠٣ م, Blogger فيزوقراطي said...

Of course u right, and sorry for ruining the movie. Still there is more to see dont worry :)

At ٢:٢٨ م, Blogger Temetwir said...

allah ysam7ek .. i was waiting for a punch-line, thinking you'd steer and make this political heh

yeah saw the movie.. two things to note:
for those who have not seen the trailer, PLEASE DO NOT WATCH IT, go straight into the movie .. a lot is given away (i think) in the trailer so you'll only ruin it

i agree that it isn't really a "romantic comedy" like the many others.. like you said fizogra6y it does tackle how the genders take value in different stuff, which isnt there in other movies - as theyre too busy torturing cliches :)

At ٤:٠٧ م, Blogger Arfana said...

aren't we all sick of politics shwayya? zain mafeeha shay shwayyat breather :-)

I'll take up your recommendation and go see it today:-)

PS> wait for my upcoming post on men and women, specially in Kuwait!

At ٤:١٦ م, Blogger Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

رد حق مواضيعك الاصلية

At ٤:٥٣ م, Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

What a nice change :) at least its something i can comment on.

I've been dieing to see that movie for so long :(

I think any relationship, be it between man & woman or between friends of the same sex, needs communication & understanding for it to flourish.

In my opinion, the best advice for any couple would be:
If you make a mistake, admit it, apologise & move on. Don't dwell.

At ٤:٥٦ م, Blogger ! said...

i will see it and let you know !

At ١:٠٢ ص, Blogger Unknown said...

لازم عيل نروح ونشوفه بس احنا راحت علينا خلاص:)


At ٢:٤٤ ص, Blogger F said...

Shawagtni ene ashoof el movie .. although ma7ad a3arfa ra7la o emde7a

At ٩:٤٤ ص, Blogger فيزوقراطي said...


Well I didnt see the trailor, i just went to the movie. Maybe thats why i found it intersting.


Yea I guess we had enough politics this summer. 2006 had alot of politics from its begening!

Kila Ma6goog,

Soon enshalla ;) bas 3ashan el nas matmel.


Yea I agree with you, the guy is comedian 3ala sarcastic. He is good.


ماراح اقدر اقول نور البلوج، لانه ذاك اليوم قلتها حق ام العيال، بس أنتي أقولج توه بس صار للبلوج ريحة حلوة :P

Bazoon ,Mishari, Zalabya

Yea you should watch it, it helps :P


Yup totaly agree. You guys need alot of care!

At ١٢:٤١ ص, Blogger Unknown said...

أي شئ فيه جينفر لازم ينشاف

At ٨:١٤ ص, Blogger فيزوقراطي said...


والله ماشفت المقابلة بس قرأت مقتطفات منها على موقع الأي بي سي. بكل قراءتها اليوم. بس اللي لاحظته أن المقدم على ما يبدو حاكر احمدي نجاد، خصوصًا بمسألة التعايش السلمي وتبادل الثقافات.


مو غلط ;)


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